Thursday, 30 June 2011

Practically Perfect in Every Way....?!

Well here we go, my first blog. I'll tell you first how the blogging idea came about;

My husband (Mr B) and I (NQP) had gone for dinner at our dear friends house. Just as I sat down to have a cup of tea and a good catch up, their youngest son, H was ushered off to bed by his grandmother.

H: I want NQP to read me my story.

His grandmother sighed and looked at me:


No problem! I replied. As a nanny, I have become quite used to kids wanting me to be involved in their next activity, particularly if you are someone new and exciting! So off we went...

After reading him a story about losing your baby teeth (Charlie and Lola, I believe!) and after carefully tucking him in and shutting the curtains, I closed the door quietly as H snuggled down under his covers. As I returned to the kitchen I heard H's grandfather saying:

Why does everyone have to read a parenting book these days? Did Nelson read 'Battles for Dummies?

Mr B: No, but some people just have what it takes. Some people are born with it. Like NQP. She just knows how to parent.

I felt myself blush slightly as I walked into the room. You can't receive much more of a compliment than that. Particularly as I am not even a parent yet!

As the evening went on, we discovered that our friends father had a blog, as did their two daughters (aged 9 and 12!!) Naturally the girls blogs were about thier interests, games they liked to play online etc etc and their grandfathers was more political.

At 10pm off I went to work. 10pm?! I hear you say. That's right, I am currently night nannying for a fantastic family. So off I trot to their house for an 8 hour night shift of settling the baby to sleep and doing any night feeds necessary, though at 9 weeks I have got her going practically all the way through the night. As I lay cuddling her that night I couldn't stop thinking about blogs. I read a couple of blogs from time to time, mostly about diet and health (I will talk more about those another time), but it isn't something I have ever really considered before. But the more I lay there thinking about them, I could feel my jealousy bubbling!

I wish I could write a blog. I wish there was something about which I knew enough and felt passionate enough to write a blog about! I looked at the baby that had fallen asleep in my arms. There was my lightbulb moment! Children! I know tons and tons about children. I would love to share my knowledge, advice, thoughts, troubles and daily experiences as a nanny with people!

So that was it. My mind was buzzing with excitement! What should I call it - how should I write it?! I already had my first, second and third blog exploding with words in my mind! When I crawled back into my own bed at 6.30am the next morning, I told my husband my idea... waiting for him to shoot me down in his half asleep state (maybe this wasn't the time to launch a new idea to him... but I was excited!) but he didn't.

Mr B: That's a great idea!

I told him my suggestion for a name... He frowned and shook his head...

Mr B: How about Practically perfect in every way?


Naturally that name was taken as a URL. But actually, Not Quite Poppins is a great name. Because I am not perfect, I too make mistakes and learn. But hey, I am a very good nanny. And I am very good with children.

So here is my endeavour:
  • Discuss topics that arise in the news to do with children. 
  • Discuss daily issues I face with children and how I resolve them.
  • To give guidance to those who feel they are alone with difficult children.
  • To share humourous anecdotes of the cherubs I work with.
  • To discuss topics that may arise as part of the degree I am undertaking in Youth and Childhood studies (because you can never know too much!)
I am no preacher, teacher or self proclaimed expert. But I do know quite a lot. I believe we should change our practice as children and society change. So preaching old school methods is not necessarily the way of the future!

So here it is. This is blog number 1.
May I be interesting enough to write many more!

Not Quite Poppins.



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  7. Our full Lace Front Wigs are all hand made with a lace cap. They are manufactured with thin lace sewn on top of the cap. Individual hairs are then sewn onto the thin lace. Each lace wig has lace all around the unit which will need to be cut prior to securing the wig to your head. You will need to cut along the hairline around your entire head. By doing so, you will be able to wear your hair anyway you like. You can even style ponytails, up-dos, etc. Once the Lace Wigs is successfully applied, it will appear that all the hair is growing directly from your head!

    Lace front wigs are hand-made with lace front cap & machine weft at back. Lace front wigs are manufactured with a thin lace that extends from ear to ear across the hairline. When you receive the wig, the lace will be quite long in the front. Cut and style according to your preference, as you will need to apply adhesive along the front of the wig. Once the wig is applied, you will still have Lace Wigs with a very natural appearance.
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    No matter what type of washer problem you are having, we can help. We can fix your washer if it won’t start, stopped spinning, won’t stop, is making strange noises, tripping the breaker, the drum isn’t turning or any other issue.

    We have a team of well-trained, highly skilled technicians with many years of experience repairing Washer Repairs in Los Angeles of all types. Our technicians are licensed, bonded and insured. Plus they are prompt, courteous, friendly and professional. They have the tools and expertise necessary to identify and repair any problem you are having with your washer. They will let you know if the problem is a part that is worn or broken and if the part needs to be repaired or replaced. They will let you know what the job will cost in advance, so you will not have any surprises when the work is done.

    We charge some of the lowest prices in the industry. We do a volume business, so we buy our replacement parts in bulk and pass the savings on to you. Plus, we only use quality replacement parts, so you can rest assured you are getting great value for your money. We will let you know if it will cost less and be just as sturdy if we repair or replace any part that is worn or broken. That gives you the power to decide what it will cost to get your washer working and keep it working for a long time to come.

  9. If you live in Los Angeles and need Refrigerator Repair Service Los Angeles, we are the company to call. We have years of experience repairing all makes and models of refrigerator. Our service is fast, effective and affordable. Plus, we stand behind our work. If you want to make sure your refrigerator is functioning at optimal efficiency, call us. We will be there in a flash and can quickly solve any problem you are having with your refrigerator. Whether you have an older model refrigerator or one of the latest, high-tech ones, we can get it working in a flash. We have long provided the refrigerator repair Los Angeles residents need.

    No matter what type of refrigerator repair problem you are having, we can help. We can fix your refrigerator if it won’t start, stopped cooling, won’t stop, is making strange noises, tripping the breaker, the compressor isn’t turning or any other issue.

    We have a team of well-trained, highly skilled technicians with many years of experience repairing refrigerator of all types. Our technicians are licensed, bonded and insured. Plus they are prompt, courteous, friendly and professional. They have the tools and expertise necessary to identify and repair any problem you are having with your refrigerator. They will let you know if the problem is a part that is worn or broken and if the part needs to be repaired or replaced. They will let you know what the job will cost in advance, so you will not have any surprises when the work is done.

    We charge some of the lowest prices for Refrigerator Repair Los Angeles in the industry. We do a volume business, so we buy our replacement parts in bulk and pass the savings on to you. Plus, we only use quality replacement parts, so you can rest assured you are getting great value for your money. We will let you know if it will cost less and be just as sturdy if we repair or replace any part that is worn or broken. That gives you the power to decide what it will cost to get your refrigerator working and keep it working for a long time to come.

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    First, know your fitness goals and keep these goals in mind when you are buying home gym equipment. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is buying the biggest or trendiest fitness machine simply because they like how it looks. More often than not, these end up gathering dust in your storage rooms or garage because you never end up using them. It is important to take note of what particular type of physical activity you want or enjoy doing before you buy your exercise machine. If you are looking to loose a few pounds and you enjoy walking or hiking, a treadmill is the best option for you. If you are looking to tone your lower body while burning calories a stationary bike is your obvious choice. Similarly, Special Equipments for Core Strength Exercises, Strength Training Weight Vests, Core Strength & Abdominal Trainers, Home Cardio Training, Strength Training Power Cages, Strength Training Racks & More.

    Second, set aside a budget before Buying Home Gym Equipments. Quality exercise machines do not come cheap. They are constantly exposed to wear and tear when they are used properly. So, pick machines that are built to last and have passed quality certifications to get the most out of your money. If you are operating on a tight budget, think about investing in several weights, We can Provide you High Quality Home Gym Equipment at Very Low Prices for your Complete Uses: Core Strength Exercises, Strength Training Weight Vests, Core Strength & Abdominal Trainers, Home Cardio Training, Strength Training Power Cages, Strength Training Racks & More.

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    First, know your fitness goals and keep these goals in mind when you are buying rack exercise stand. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is buying the biggest or trendiest fitness machine simply because they like how it looks. More often than not, these end up gathering dust in your storage rooms or garage because you never end up using them. It is important to take note of what particular type of physical activity you want or enjoy doing before you buy your exercise machine. If you are looking to loose a few pounds and you enjoy walking or hiking, a treadmill is the best option for you. If you are looking to tone your lower body while burning calories a stationary bike is your obvious choice. Similarly, Special Equipments for Core Strength Exercises, Strength Training Weight Vests, Core Strength & Abdominal Trainers, Home Cardio Training, Strength Training Power Cages, Strength Training Racks & More.

    Second, set aside a budget before Buying Home Gym Equipment with dumbbells, ab coaster cs1500, ab coaster cs3000, cap barbell power rack, gasky rowing machine. Quality exercise machines do not come cheap. They are constantly exposed to wear and tear when they are used properly. So, pick machines that are built to last and have passed quality certifications to get the most out of your money. If you are operating on a tight budget, think about investing in several weights, We can Provide you High Quality Home Gym Equipments at Very Low Prices for your Complete Uses: Core Strength Exercises, Strength Training Weight Vests, Core Strength & Abdominal Trainers, Home Cardio Training, Strength Training Power Cages, Strength Training Racks & More.

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  30. Kids, from the time they are very young, are drawn to animals. Petting Zoos in Houston give you a way to tap into their natural interest while also teaching them valuable social skills. Providing lessons in empathy is a critical part of encouraging the healthy emotional development of your son or daughter in Houston Petting Zoo And getting to know the animals in the zoo gives kids the opportunity to learn to understand and respect the feelings of others as Houston Petting Zoo is the best petting zoo. At Houston Petting Zoo, these lessons can be taken one step further by giving them the chance to regularly engage with animals they might not ordinarily be able to keep at home.

    Develop Bonds in a Comfortable Environment

    For many children, making new friends is challenging due to shyness, or they may just need a special critter to snuggle with after a stressful day at school. While summer camps help foster friendships between children of all ages by providing relaxing activities, there is just something special about the connection kids make with their new and furry friends. From whispering secrets into a bunny’s ear to stroking the soft fur of a baby goat, children quickly form bonds with the animals in their barnyard zoo. These experiences allow them to strengthen their relationship skills. Since the "residents" in a petting zoo are acclimated to being around children, parents can be reassured that their child will be able to practice showing empathy to animals that are going to return their affection.

    Learn to Pick Up on Non-Verbal Cues

    Most children are very self-expressive verbally, but they often need guidance with learning how to pick up on non-verbal communication. Since animals can’t talk, kids must pay attention to little signs such as wagging tails and squirming. At the Houston petting zoo, adults help to model gentle behavior with children to teach them when an animal is saying they are ready to be held and when they want to be put down. As children get to know the "critters" even better, it is fun to watch them start to adjust their behavior to communicate with their favorites. For example, you will see a child learn to crouch and wait patiently with their hand out for a shyer animal to come over. Other times, with a playful young pup, they may be a little more rambunctious.

    See the Positive Effects of Showing Compassion

    Feeling a kitten purring in their hands and getting nudged by a friendly goat lets kids see the immediate effects of showing empathy. And those who regularly visit a petting zoo also get opportunities to care for the animals in petting zoo Houston. By spending time feeding and tending to their needs, and by also receiving instant and positive reinforcement, kids quickly learn compassion. This allows them to experience how good it feels to be responsible for the care of something outside of themselves. After all, who can resist being on the receiving end of the affection of a furry friend that just got fed?

    Petting Zoos are filled with quirky barnyard animals that love spending time with active children. In fact, since the animals and kids engage in lots of petting and play, it’s hard to tell who enjoys the interactions more. And, with every visit, parents can be sure their little ones are learning empathy and gaining valuable social skills. Houston Petting Zoo and Aquariums

    Let your kids enjoy Houston Petting Zoos and Aquariums. Experienced staff will keep your child both safe and busy with arts and crafts, games, water sports, gymnastics and more. Visit the site at to see the fun your child will have at Houston Petting Zoo.

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  32. Bamboo fencing is a decorative and environmentally friendly alternative to chain link or wood. Bamboo Matting has several advantages as a fencing material. First it is a grass and not a wood, so it takes less time to grow and replenish the supply. In fact it only takes 5 to 7 years to grow a mature bamboo plant for harvesting whereas wood takes 50 to 100 years. The second advantage of using bamboo as your fencing material is that it is strong and durable. Finally Bamboo Torches looks great.

    Bamboo fencing can be used for several purposes as the material is made of Synthetic Thatch. First you can use it to create a privacy as Bamboo Decor Sticks that not only keeps people from seeing into your yard, but that also provides a secure perimeter of your property. Secondly you can use bamboo fence for a garden fence. Finally bamboo matts can also be used to build a Awesome Bamboo fence to decorate your garden or yard.

    Decorative Bamboo can be found just about anywhere. Most home improvement stores will have bamboo fence suppliers, and they will carry most of the bamboo fence supplies that you will need to both set up your bamboo fence and maintain it properly. For example they will offer the bamboo fencing materials, bamboo gates, bamboo fence panels, stains, and even hardware for assembling your bamboo fencing.

    Like any other natural product, bamboo fencing & Tiki torches will need to be treated to prevent decay and weathering. It is recommended that you apply a thin coat of UV resistant stain to your Bamboo Fencing and Bamboo Poles to protect the bamboo from the weathering effects of your climate. Also like any other natural product, bamboo will weather, dry out, and crack over time. The amount of weathering that your bamboo will experience will depend on the weather conditions in your area, and the amount of maintenance that you do.

    Also, Bamboo Poles for Sale are created using the same strong, durable, beautiful bamboo that bamboo floors are made of but they are portable and come in a variety of sizes. These mats can be found in sizes small enough to use in doorways or large enough to use as area rugs. The size choice depends on the office the mat is being used in and how much bamboo is desired in the office.

    Bamboo Poles for Sale, a vital building tool that grows 10 times faster than trees, is an increasing popular choice of furniture in America's home.

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    The good point about obtaining Moon Rocks Weed for Sale from an online store is the fact that you get to advantage from the diverse shopping facilities that happen to be supplied by these on the net shops. You may now even obtain weed on the net with Bitcoin. Such sophisticated facilities seriously make it much easier for persons to purchase any type of cannabis or weed solutions they want devoid of any kind of hassle - Wild Berry Skittles Moon Rocks For Sale.

    The online store of Cannabis Health Home procures the best quality strains from reliable sources so that customers can easily buy them any time they need. All the products that are offered at Cannabis Health Home are of the highest quality. This can definitely provide people with the peace of mind that they can always have access to the freshest strains of cannabis every time they shop from Cannabis Health Home. The store also lets people Buy Moon Rocks Weed Online With Bitcoin which makes it easier to make payments easily.

    Buy Moonrocks Online or feel free to chat with our friendly budtenders who would be glad to assist you with any questions on our strains or products.

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    Bike Trails In Amish Country Ohio Because of the many tourists coming to visit our area we saw a need for an e-bike rental program. In 2020 we started our rental program to give visitors a fun and easy way to explore Amish Country. Whether it’s sightseeing or just for fun our knowledgable staff is here to help you get started on your adventure And Activities To Do In Amish Country Ohio!

    To serve our customers better we have two locations in Holmes County. Our main store in Mt. Hope has a large showroom of electric bikes rentals as well as a selection of accessories such as helmets, bags, and Oakley sunglasses. Our Holmesville location also has a showroom of bikes and accessories and is located just down from the Holmes County trail which is a perfect riding path for bikes for Bike Trails In Amish Country Ohio. Things To Do In Amish Country

    You can also visit our store website to shop our selection of e-bikes rentals and accessories by going to ChargedRide.Com.

  35. Kids, from the time they are very young, are drawn to animals. Petting zoos give you a way to tap into their natural interest while also teaching them valuable social skills. Providing lessons in empathy is a critical part of encouraging the healthy emotional development of your son or daughter in Houston Petting Zoo And getting to know the animals in the zoo gives kids the opportunity to learn to understand and respect the feelings of others as Houston Petting Zoo is the best petting zoo. At Houston Petting Zoo, these lessons can be taken one step further by giving them the chance to regularly engage with animals they might not ordinarily be able to keep at home.

    Develop Bonds in a Comfortable Environment

    For many children, making new friends is challenging due to shyness, or they may just need a special critter to snuggle with after a stressful day at school. While summer camps help foster friendships between children of all ages by providing relaxing activities, there is just something special about the connection kids make with their new and furry friends. From whispering secrets into a bunny’s ear to stroking the soft fur of a baby goat, children quickly form bonds with the animals in their barnyard zoo. These experiences allow them to strengthen their relationship skills. Since the "residents" in a petting zoo are acclimated to being around children, parents can be reassured that their child will be able to practice showing empathy to animals that are going to return their affection.

    Learn to Pick Up on Non-Verbal Cues

    Most children are very self-expressive verbally, but they often need guidance with learning how to pick up on non-verbal communication. Since animals can’t talk, kids must pay attention to little signs such as wagging tails and squirming. At the petting zoo, adults help to model gentle behavior with children to teach them when an animal is saying they are ready to be held and when they want to be put down. As children get to know the "critters" even better, it is fun to watch them start to adjust their behavior to communicate with their favorites. For example, you will see a child learn to crouch and wait patiently with their hand out for a shyer animal to come over. Other times, with a playful young pup, they may be a little more rambunctious.

    See the Positive Effects of Showing Compassion

    Feeling a kitten purring in their hands and getting nudged by a friendly goat lets kids see the immediate effects of showing empathy. And those who regularly visit a petting zoo also get opportunities to care for the animals in petting zoo houston. By spending time feeding and tending to their needs, and by also receiving instant and positive reinforcement, kids quickly learn compassion. This allows them to experience how good it feels to be responsible for the care of something outside of themselves. After all, who can resist being on the receiving end of the affection of a furry friend that just got fed?

    Petting zoos are filled with quirky barnyard animals that love spending time with active children. In fact, since the animals and kids engage in lots of petting and play, it’s hard to tell who enjoys the interactions more. And, with every visit, parents can be sure their little ones are learning empathy and gaining valuable social skills.

    Let your kids enjoy petting zoo at Houston Petting Zoo. Experienced staff will keep your child both safe and busy with arts and crafts, games, water sports, gymnastics and more. Visit the site at to see the fun your child will have at Houston Petting Zoo.

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