Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Why I hate car seats

OK, hate is maybe extreme.

But I do have a strong dislike for them and more importantly, how completely uneducated our country is on car seats and their safety and purpose. 

Our society has changed dramatically in the last generation or two. Thanks to cars and motorways we now have the luxury of being incredibly mobile, we travel great distances around the UK daily. I travel approximately 6 miles to take my nephew to school, so that is a minimum of 24 miles a day in the car for Seb. He has to get in and out of the car more times a day than I would like, but we chose to live somewhere relatively isolated for the benefits of living in a rural village. We reap the benefits of living on a green with a playground opposite, he goes to pre school across the green and one day will hopefully attend the school next to it. But I care for my gorgeous and niece and nephew, so that means Seb is treated as though he is the youngest of three and that means he sometimes has to do some trekking around after them. (This is not all bad, it is very good for children to learn that it isn't all about them all the time!)

Prams and travel systems are now made with these handy little add ons for mums and dads to attach their car seat to their set of wheels so they don't have to lift their child in and out of a car seat constantly. But WAIT. That means, a baby can stay sitting (and lets just remember that new born babies can't sit unaided... for a reason) in a car seat for potentially hours... you could go and get your shopping done, pop them in the trolley, back into the car, into the house because the little one has fallen asleep and you can just leave them there while you get some jobs done, back out in the car and out to meet a friend. Ok, so that is maybe extreme and hopefully even car seat lovers don't leave their babies in their car seat for that long (presumably during that time they would need a nappy change and maybe a feed... though if it is a bottle you could just do it in the seat...) But hyperboles aside, car seats make it a little easy to allow your baby to sit in a very unnatural position for far to long. I hate to be dramatic, but the risks to your baby can be severe. 

Bestbuggy.co.uk give this scarily long list of the risks to infants whilst sitting in a car seat 

What are the risks of having an infant in a baby car seat?
Plagiocephaly – ‘flat head’ syndrome.
Adverse cardiorespiratory effects – respiratory and heart rate increases
Increased reflux – some babies with reflux are better sat up, for other babies the pressure placed on the abdomen, in an upright position, can make reflux much worse.
Bradycardia – a slower pulse rate than is typical which can lead to problems with breathing, dizziness, nausea and fatigue.
Oxygen desaturation - less air reaches the lungs, which causes lower levels of oxygen in the blood.
Positional asphyxiation – the baby’s head falls forwards so that the chin is on the chest. This cuts off air flow to the lungs which leads to death.

SIDS – Sudden infant death syndrome is where there is an unexplained reason for the death. The upright seating position in a car seat could be a contributory factor in an increased number of deaths where babies were not placed on a firm mattress. Limiting the amount of time a baby is asleep in a car seat is a risk factor which could be removed.
Restricted growth of internal organs –  Babies grow when they are asleep. If a baby is regularly asleep scrunched up in an infant carrier, then their internal organs e.g. lungs will not expand fully and grow.
Spine development is inhibited 
- the continuous curved position of the spine affects vertebral growth.
Muscle wastage 
- the muscles in the baby’s back are not used properly in the curved position. This will affect the long term stability of the back.
Motor Skills could be impaired – if the spine and back are not developed properly.
After months in the womb, a baby needs the early months, to unfurl, stretch out, and allow optimum growth.

Terrifying huh. So before you go and buy those handy little clips so you can pop your maxi cosi (other brands are available) on your wheels. Just think... is it worth risking all of these things? This family talk about dealing with the loss of their child after he was put to sleep in his car seat and found cold and blue a short while later, so preventable and completely down to ignorance. Terrifyingly, this child lost his life at a nursery, where you would hope the staff would be more knowledgable. But really this just harks back to orriginal point, that we are all incredibly ignorant and uneducated on the safety of children in car seats. 

Now lets be realistic. Car seats are obviously extremely important. It is crucial that they fit your car properly, check when you are trying and buying that this car seat fits well in your car. Not all car seats fit all cars well! Until I was educated by an extremely helpful and knowledgable car seat expert at Kiddicare I knew nothing of buckle crunch and hadn't given a second thought to how differently shaped car seats are. As far as my research can find, isofix and inertia reel (seatbelt buckled) seats are as safe as one another PROVIDED they are fitted correctly. Maxi Cosi state that an alarming 8 out of 10 car seats are incorrectly fitted by new parents with an inertia reel, so make sure if you choose one like this you are shown exactly how to fit it. So the main benefit of isofix is it is much harder to fit them incorrectly. 

So, you want to buy a rear facing car seat because you've read it is the safest (I am a fan of the lie flat bassinets - there are only a handful on the market and they pass every test required of a carseat... another post to follow on which I chose and why). If you do get one, get something like this to go with it - a snugglebundl.

These clever things allow you to lift your child out seamlessly without waking them, you simply place them in the seat before the baby and then when you arrive at your destination you can lift them out using the blanket without manhandling them, and place them in a lie flat position. Magic. 

A real pet peeve of mine is seeing babies strapped in the front of the car, with parents giving the statement that they can check on them more easily. This is nonsense and it is distracting and potentially dangerous. Get a mirror that fits to your back seats and position it so you can glance at the baby, if you are concerned for their well being... pull over and get out. If for some reason you really need to strap your baby in the front seat of your car ensure your airbag is turned off. This goes for all children sitting in the front. Most cars have a little switch somewhere (often the door hinge) to turn off the passenger airbag, if you were to crash the airbag has the potential to crush and suffocate your child.

So, the real message here is: 

  • Be knowledgable on your car seat, don't choose one that is trendy or cool, choose one that is safe and fits your car. 
  • Don't leave your baby in their car seat longer than is absolutely necessary (i.e. the length of a car journey).
  • Car seats are not prams. 
  • Lying flat is ALWAYS best for babies.

NQP x  


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    corona virus, such as normal colds, the body can build immunity by itself. How is this new virus species different from others?
    One 70-year-old man was hospitalized in Tokyo until healed from a coronary virus infection. However, NHK stated that after returning to
    normal life Use of public transport A few days later he returned to a feverish illness. And later ข่าวฟุตบอลวันนี้ found that he was infected with the corona virus again
    This is not the only case that occurs in Japan. How did it happen What lessons did China get from the SARS epidemic 17 years ago?
    Cure or let die The big thing that Italian doctors have to choose patients in the crisis, Covid-19

  100. India, by most.แทงบอลฟรีz
    estimates, only has 48,000 ventilators. Nobody quite knows how many of these breathing assistance machines are working
    But it is a fair assumption that all those available are being used in intensive care units on existing patients with other diseases
    What are ventilators and why are they important Why do you lock down 1.3bn people? India's pandemic lockdown turns into a human tragedy
    About one in six people with.บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาทz Covid-19 gets seriously ill, which can include breathing difficulties. The country faces seeing its hospitals

  101. The supply chains that we’ve gotten used to are very efficient -.เว็บแทงบอลUFA1688z but once you start interrupting them
    once one link on the chain goes, you will have shortages of essential products,” he warned
    More than 200,000 Indians logged on to Twitter to watch their Prime Minister Narendra Modi's
    video message, which has just concluded In a "pep talk" of sorts, Mr Modi thanked citizens for
    showing "discipline" in a three-week lockdown.ผลบอลล่าสุดวันนี้z that was announced 10 days ago

  102. The supply chains that we’ve gotten used .เว็บแทงบอลUFA1688zto are very efficient - but once you start interrupting them
    once one link on the chain goes, you will have shortages of essential products,” he warned
    More than 200,000 Indians logged on to Twitter to watch their Prime Minister Narendra Modi's
    video message, which has just concluded In a "pep talk" of sorts, Mr Modi thanked citizens for
    showing "discipline" in a three-week lockdown that was.ผลบอลล่าสุดวันนี้z announced 10 days ago

  103. He said the area had recently seen protests against new civil rights laws, that anger spilled in and created this form of attack. But for whatever reason, there is no reason to show violence
    At the same time, a hospital in the northern Ghaziabad city saw disobedient images on Thursday. The hospital put at least 21 people in detention after they attended a religious ceremony that has been linked to hundreds of positive cases throughout the country.
    Thousands of .เว็บแทงบอลUFA1688zpeople attended a rally in New Delhi, organized by a group of Muslim preacher Tablighi Jamaat, under quarantine, and officials continue to follow others. It is believed that the infection was caused by.ผลบอลล่าสุดวันนี้z preachers participating in activities from Indonesia.

  104. But it is not a job that doctors face discrimination It followed them back to their home, one of them who didn't want to specify. She said that "It was extremely frustrated when I realized .เว็บแทงบอลUFA1688z
    that even my neighborsthought that I and my family should not be allowed to stay in the building."We want to keep our family safe. But we are excluded because of our work. "A number of
    physicians have performed positive tests throughout India and that shows how difficult our work is now and that is why weNeeding everyone's support to win the war against She added:
    We are complying with all security protocols. We don't even find our family and that is stressful." But seeing this open discrimination made me heartbroken. But we will continue because
    there is no other choice.Some of the attendees of the Tablighi Jamaat event, which was held in a detention facility operated by rail, are said to spit at doctors and conduct misbehavior. .ผลบอลล่าสุดวันนี้z
    Northern Railways spokesman Deepak Kumar said the situation is now under control.

  105. The same concerns apply .เว็บแทงบอลUFA1688z to provincial health departments, sometimes led by incompetent political appointees.Doctors are working, but top executives are always dominated. It's an
    uproar. They are mostly infantry who don't have leadership abilities. They stay away from the depths and oppose any cooperation with the region. Private, "an elder in the provincial
    department told me anonymously Walking through the Alexandra area on the edge of Johannesburg is another reminder that it is difficult to prove that there is a virus.Despite patrols
    of the new army, constant messaging about remote societies in the media, free trucks, pickup trucks, hand sanitizers and rapid intervention by test units trying to track down th .ผลบอลล่าสุดวันนี้z ose who
    might have. First confirmed The dirt road and narrow alleyways are still crowded with children playing football and friends who visit each other.

  106. worsens considerably and the doctor is trying to move him to a large hospital that is treating Covid's patients It's too late: He died that evening The clothing dealers were the .เว็บแทงบอลUFA1688z
    first Covid-19 patients from Dharavi. People who lived in slum-filled cities, these people suffered from the common diseases that made Mumbai, one of the cities that has The world's
    most densely populated population, from diarrhea to malaria.But the coronavirus outbreak in a place where social disorder is unusual can turn out to be a serious public health
    emergency and it's easy to overcome the city's protracted public health system.No one knows this more than the officials who compete to monitor and control the infection. .ผลบอลล่าสุดวันนี้z
    Dharavi's No. 1 patient lives with his family of eight members - his wife, four daughters and two sons - in one 420 square foot square apartment in a low slum ghetto.

  107. Mr Raab - who will chair the government daily Covid-19 meeting, said there are "The team spirit is incredibly strong" after the prime ministerHe added that he and .เว็บแทงบอลUFA1688z
    his colleagues are making sure that they have implemented the plan. Mr. Johnson ordered them to deliver. "As soon as possible"That's how we will lead the entire nation
    through the coronal virus challenges," he said. Initially, Johnson was taken to the hospital for normal testing after a positive test for coronavirus for 10 days. His
    symptoms include high temperatures and coughing.Earlier on Monday, he tweeted that he was in "Good spirits," said Labor Leader Sir Keir Starmer. "Very sad newsThe idea
    of ​​the whole country is with the prime minister and his family in an incredibly difficult time," he added.At the.ผลบอลล่าสุดวันนี้z same time, Mr Trump said Americans "Praying for revival"

  108. Those same models suggest without these "precautionary measures," between 1.6 million .ทางเข้าUFA1688z and 2.2 million could die as a result of the virus, said Deborah L. Birx, the lead coordinator of the White
    House's coronavirus task force, as reported by the Times."Some of [the models] predicted half of the United States would get infected," she said, adding that in order for Americans to understand
    why they're making such sacrifices in abiding by stay-at-home orders, they need reassurance that there's some science behind the measures.They have to know that we really built this on scientific
    evidence and the potential to save hundreds of thousands of American lives," said Birx, according to the Times.The hospital ship USNS Comfort entered New York Harbor on March 30; it passed the Statue
    of Liberty on its way to a Manhattan Cruise Terminal pier. The ship, which will be used to treat non-COVID-19 patients, is equipped with 12 operating rooms, with "hospital beds, a medical laboratory
    a pharmacy, an optometry lab, digital radiology, a CAT scan, two oxygen-producing .ผลบอลสด7mz plants and a helicopter deck," the U.S. Department of Defense reported. A 1,200-strong medical staff from the U.S. Navy
    will operate the hospital.

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  112. from Italy and France and for sending ventilators to the UK. Romania is one of a number of countries sending teams of doctors and nurses to other EU nations in need of help. .ทางเข้าUFA1688z
    When push comes to shove, in a globalised, unpredictable world, most in the EU think it's better to stay together imperfectly than to stand alone. No EU member is seriously
    agitating to leave.But, the Covid-19 crisis could have been a key moment to prove nay-sayers wrong. Instead EU actions thus far have added fuel to the Eurosceptic debate.
    EU leaders have another chance to demonstrate solidarity when it comes to rebuilding European economies after the health crisis abates. It's in their own interest. The EU's
    reputation and the robustness of the single market depend on it.Sixteen hours in a virtual meeting and virtually nothing was achieved," said one Spanish diplomat, who spoke .ผลบอลสด7mz
    of an exhausting EU video conference all too reminiscent of the days of the Greek financial crisis.This time though, in the words of a Danish colleague, "it appears to be a
    financial crisis, on steroids".A deep, deep recession is looming across the EU as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.The all-nighter into Wednesday, pulled by the EU's 27
    finance ministers, was supposed to provide a financial solution to help shield the worst-hit countries.

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  114. offset the massive drop in demand as the coronavirus pandemic has grounded planes, halted travel and put a brake on industry across the world.Reduce the surplus .ทางเข้าUFA1688z
    In prepared remarks at the G20 meeting, US Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette called the situation "dire" and made worse by the price war between Russia and Saudi
    Arabia, after Russia would not join a plan to cut supply last month.Mr Brouillette said America would "take surplus off the market" by storing "as much oil as
    possible" and predicted a fall in US output, pointing to the struggles low prices have created for US companies. But he did not promise specific reductions.
    "We call on all nations to use every means at their disposal to help reduce the surplus," he said.Government-directed supply cuts would be highly unusual in the US.
    However, on Friday, Mexican President .ผลบอลสด7mz Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Mr Trump had spoken to him on Thursday and suggested the US would help its neighbour with the cuts.

  115. Dr Deborah Birx said .ทางเข้าUFA1688z there were good signs the outbreak was stabilising, but cautioned: "As encouraging as they are, we have not reached the peak."President Donald
    Trump also said he expects the US to see a lower death toll than the initial predictions of 100,000 fatalities, adding: "We're seeing clear signs that our aggressive
    strategy is saving countless lives"The World Health Organization chief warned that lifting lockdown measures too early could spark a "deadly resurgence" in infection
    Brazil became the first country in the southern hemisphere to surpass 1,000 deaths with coronavirusTurkey ordered a 48-hour curfew in 31 cities - including Istanbul
    and Ankara - to start at midnight. The announcement, made just two hours before the curfew was due to start, sparked panic buying and crowds of shoppersAid agencies
    expressed alarm after the first virus case was confirmed in Yemen, where years of civil .ผลบอลสด7mzwar have devastated health systems What are the latest US figures?

  116. facing the empty streets .ทางเข้าUFA1688z of Milan. You can watch our little summary video below, but if you want to see the whole concert, Bocelli has uploaded it here.
    Two of the European countries worst-affected by the pandemic, Italy and France, have both reported a reduction in the daily number of deaths linked to Covid-19
    The latest figure from Italy is 431 - the lowest in more than three weeks. Officials say the crisis has peaked.France has recorded a slight fall in both the number
    of dead and of patients put onto life support. It said on Sunday there were 315 deaths in hospital in the past 24 hours, compared with 345 the day earlier.
    Spain however has seen an increase in daily deaths linked to Covid-19, to just over 600. The government warned there could still be tough times ahead, even as
    the number of new infections.ผลบอลสด7mz continues to slow.Why lemon juice won't protect you from the virus From drinking cow urine to avoiding ice cream, there's been a lot

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  118. no.หนังใหม่z timeline.New .บ้านผลบอล69zYork has almost 190,000 coronavirus cases and has seen more than 10,000 deaths - among the highest rates in the world.But Governor
    Andrew Cuomo told a briefing on Monday he believed the "worst is over" for his state."Nobody has been here before, nobody has all the answers," said
    Mr Cuomo. "Addressing public health and the economy: which one is first? They're both first."The western states of California, Washington and Oregon
    also .เว็บแทงบอลfun88zannounced plans for a shared approach to reopening.Except for Massachusetts, all the 10 states are led by Democratic governors.More than 40 states
    have imposed state-wide stay-at-home orders for their entire population.What strategies are other countries taking?Globally, different approaches have been
    adopted to loosening lockdown restrictions.The Chinese province of Wuhan, where coronavirus was first reported last December, has partially reopened after
    more than two months of.คาสิโนออนไลน์DEWABETz isolation.Spain has allowed around 300,000 nonessential workers to return to their jobs.Italy - the hardest-hit country in Europe

  119. conditions allow". He said Americans would .หนังใหม่z continue to be called upon to maintain social distancing measures and to stay homr
    if they are unwell.He said that reopening the.บ้านผลบอล69z US economy would be done "one careful step at a time" but he called on state
    governors to move "very very quickly, depending.เว็บแทงบอลfun88z on what they want to do".Shortly afterwards, leading Democrat Nancy Pelosi,
    Speaker of the House of Representatives, called.คาสิโนออนไลน์DEWABETz the new guidelines "vague and inconsistent".She said the document did "nothing
    to make up for the president's failure to listen to the scientists and produce and distribute national rapid testing"What is in the plan

  120. A gunman disguised as a policeman killed.หลุดไลฟ์สดพริตตี้z at least 16 people, including a female police officer, in what is believed to be Canada's
    worst mass shooting.The 12-hour rampage started on Saturday and ended with a car chase.Police said the suspect shot people at different
    locations in Nova Scotia, many of them .ดูหนังออนไลน์HDzrandomly. He was killed in a confrontation with police.He was reported to have been driving what
    looked like a police car.Residents had been advised to lock themselves indoors the rural town of Portapique after the attack began.
    Authorities were still trying to .ทางเข้าหลักw88zestablish the final death toll on Sunday. They warned that there may be more victims.

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    moments earlier said sunlight and disinfectant .ดูหนังMasteพากย์ไทยz were known to kill the infection.Mr Trump's own public health

  126. svsbusinesses are opening on Friday in .ทางเข้าหลักW88z Georgia, Alaska and Oklahoma.The US has by far
    the highest death toll and case count .เว็บแทงบาคาร่า20z in the world.However, it has a population of 330
    million, much higher than other worst .สล็อตออนไลน์ฟรีรูปแบบใหม่z affected countries such as Spain and Italy.
    Can you compare different countries? .ดูหนังMasteพากย์ไทยz Dr Deborah Birx, an expert on the White House
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  127. svsvsOne such country is Singapore .ทางเข้าหลักW88z, which was initially praised
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  128. " he says."The fact I am.ทางเข้าหลักW88z protesting does not mean I think it is a
    good idea to have gatherings, I just believe that the government
    has no authority to prohibit.เว็บแทงบาคาร่า20z them."Throughout the crisis, Mr Miller
    has also been able to continue his work as an engineering technician
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  136. weeks holed up at the White .เว็บบาคาร่าออนไลน์ House, Mr Trump told journalists
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    re now looking at a little bit of a different form, and that
    form is safety and opening..สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 And we'll have a different group
    probably set up for tha .เว็บดูผลบอลสด The president - who wore safety goggles
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  138. The Justice Department's .เว็บบาคาร่าออนไลน์ surprising decision to drop all charges
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    off a cascade of accusations and counter-accusations. And at the
    centre of it are the present .สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 and previous presidents.Michael Flynn
    was forced to resign early in .เว็บดูผลบอลสด the Trump presidency for lying to Vice
    President Mike Pence about his contacts with Russian government officials.

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    Governments in the West .เว็บดูผลบอลสด employed sinologists to interpret the
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    the early stages of the outbreak.He said he first spoke out about
    a medical สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 equipment shortage in January, raising the issue to the
    "highest levels" of the Department of Health and Human Services
    (HHS), but "got no response".In other US เว็บดูผลบอลสด developments:A total of

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    crash, which สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 occurred in California amid heavy fog,
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  144. to this inspector general," Mr Trump said in the letter. Not long after Mr Linick's ดูหนังออนไลน์HD dismissal
    was announced, Mr Engel, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Mr Linick had
    opened an investigation into Mr Pompeo. "Mr Linick's firing amid such a probe strongly suggests that this
    is an unlawful act of retaliation," he said in a statement. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Mr Linick was
    "punished for honourably performing his duty to protect the constitution and our วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด national security"

  145. as male students aged 21 years and 23 years, respectively, both ดูหนังออนไลน์HD returning to Thailand since May 8.
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  146. But officials are warning เว็บบาคาร่าออนไลน์ that complacency over the virus could
    lead to a second wave บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ20 of infections.Restaurants, bars, cafes,
    hairdressers and shops สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 will be allowed to reopen in Italy
    providing social เว็บดูผลบอลสด distancing is enforced.Catholic churches are
    preparing for the resumption of Mass, but there will be

  147. a sales tax hike ดูหนังออนไลน์HD to 10% from 8% in October. While Japan has lifted the state of emergency in 39 out of its 47 prefectures, the economic
    outlook for this current quarter is equally gloomy. Analysts polled by Reuters expect the country's economy to shrink 22% during April to
    June, which would be its biggest decline on record. The Japanese government has already announced a record $1 trillion stimulus package,
    and the Bank of Japan expanded its stimulus measures for the second straight วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด month in April.

  148. On May 16, the Corporate Image and Corporate Communications ดูหนังออนไลน์HD Department, Thai Airways International
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    Communication Division Explained that Thai Airways has completed the rehabilitation plan. And approved
    by the Board of Directors on 17 April, which the State Enterprise Policy วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด and Governance Committee
    (People Ror.) Considered the said rehabilitation plan on 29 April. At this time, the company's

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    here's what life looks like for people who are emerging
    from lockdowns เว็บดูผลบอลสด or severe restrictions.In Australia, the

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  157. person so they can avoid potentially passing the disease on. Niall Dickson, chief ดูหนังออนไลน์HD executive of the confederation, which represents
    health and care leaders, welcomed Boris Johnson's commitment, made at Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday. But in a letter to Health
    Secretary Matt Hancock, Mr Dickson said without a clear strategy the UK was at greater risk of a second peak of the virus.
    "We are 10 weeks into the pandemic and developing a strategy with a well worked through local base should have been in place much วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด sooner," he said.

  158. its handover to Chinese เว็บบาคาร่าออนไลน์ rule in 1997.It never could
    and after last year's wave บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ20 of sustained and violent
    protest, Beijing is now สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 attempting to push them through.
    Beijing believes "law-based and forceful measures" must
    be taken to "prevent, stop and เว็บดูผลบอลสด punish" such protests in

  159. duties to safeguard national security in accordance with the law." China could essentially place this law into Annex III ดูหนังออนไลน์HD of the Basic Law,
    which covers national laws that must be implemented in Hong Kong - either by legislation, or decree.
    China's Premier Li Keqiang addressed the congress and spoke of the economic impact of the coronavirus,
    On Hong Kong (and also Macau) he made this reference: "We will establish sound legal systems and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding
    national security วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด in the two Special Administrative Regions

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    Kovid-19: WHO warns the situation is still worrisome The number of new cases worldwide reaches over 100,000
    in one day. Gen. Prayut ดูหนังออนไลน์HD Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Presided over the ERA meeting today
    (22 May), before the meeting. Gen. Prayut said Now everyone is beginning to understand how to live a new normal
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  162. If a person does not เว็บบาคาร่าออนไลน์ have suitable accommodation
    to go to, they will be บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ20 required to stay in "facilities
    arranged by the สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 government" at the person's own
    expense, according to Border Force chief Paul Lincoln.
    According to the เว็บดูผลบอลสด Home Office, the new policy will

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    From kindergarten 1 to ดูหนังออนไลน์HD vocational training What
    was the first day of distance learning during the
    Covid-19 era? When teaching and learning must

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    When starting a วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด family member His poetry began
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    chaotic world Peter ผลบอลสด7m and Alison have two
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  165. family members เว็บบาคาร่าออนไลน์ in case they needed help
    with childcare. บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ20 Speaking to reporters
    outside his home สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 in London on Saturday,
    he said he would not be resigning and had
    done the "right เว็บดูผลบอลสด thing" by travelling 260

  166. of State Mike ดูหนังออนไลน์HD Pompeo announcing that a new deal was on the table. The Afghan government had always demanded a ceasefire to build trust - something
    the Taliban always rejected. But US negotiators circumvented that hurdle by using a different term, getting agreement to the seven-day "reduction
    in violence" period. With a deal signed, the real work on the detail starts now. Reports indicate that the next phase will be a gradual
    withdrawal of US troops over a 10- to 20-week period and a complete withdrawal over three to five years.
    Meanwhile it will be up to Afghans themselves, including the Taliban, to find วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด agreement on a political future inclusive of all.

  167. when Livescore giving birth to her younger brother
    In the second dewabetthai meeting, I proposed to us
    go back in วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด history" where I told her
    about her childhood Basic family And
    first sexual experience, ผลบอลสด7m Mary told me

  168. The country has been often called the "surrogacy hub" of the world, where ดูหนังออนไลน์HD infertile couples, including many from overseas,
    pay local women to carry their embryos through to birth. But there have been growing concerns over the unregulated business.
    In 2018, India unveiled a draft law which would ban commercial surrogacy. Infertile couples would be able to seek a surrogate,
    who had to be a relative. The law is awaiting parliamentary approval. วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด Now, the couple from Bangalore was undertaking a gruelling

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    Processed food "heavily" makes eating large-fat easily
    Thick fat tongue, full of fat Is the main cause of sleep apnea
    Obesity is a cause of some types of cancer, outpacing smoking.
    The results show วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด that all the sample groups scored significantly

  170. Twitter's link directs เว็บบาคาร่าออนไลน์ users to a page on which
    Mr Trump's claims about บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ20 mail-in ballots are described
    as "unsubstantiated". สล็อตฟรีเครดิต2020 The social media company cites
    reporting on the เว็บดูผลบอลสด issue by CNN, the Washington Post
    and others.This is followed by a "what you need to

  171. Anti-mainland sentiment ดูหนังออนไลน์HD remains high in Hong Kong, fuelled especially by a proposed bill last year that would have allowed criminal suspects
    to be extradited to China. The bill triggered months of increasingly violent protests. Last weekend saw the city's first large-scale protests
    in months, with people defying pandemic social-distancing rules to march in protest of the proposed security law. It is set to go to a vote
    this week, and could be วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด in force as early as the end of June. Hong Kong's Basic Law, which has been in place in the city since it was

  172. Hong Kong 'no longer ดูหนังออนไลน์HD autonomous from China' - Pompeo
    The US has passed 100,000 deaths in the coronavirus outbreak in less than four months.
    It has seen more fatalities than any other country, while its 1.69 million confirmed infections account
    for about 30% of the worldwide total. The first US infection was reported ทีเด็ดสปอร์ตพูล in Washington state on 21 January.

  173. There are alsoดูหนังออนไลน์HD
    questions about the credibility of data
    from governments in some countries. For example, many
    observers point out that The Chinese government reports
    on the situation "Less harsh than reality Another problem
    is that the situation of วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสดcattle-19 in many countries is in

  174. the 'death rate', ดูหนังออนไลน์HD

    which can be observed that Many
    countries have a mortality rate from the corona virus
    per 100,000 people higher than the United States.
    The origin, symptoms, treatment and prevention of cocid disease-19
    When will the outbreak of วิเคราะห์ผลบอลสด

    this corona virus end?
    Belgium has a population of 11.5 million, with 82 deaths

  175. alight in several cities. ดูหนังออนไลน์HD อ President Donald Trump blamed "looters and anarchists" for the violence.
    Mr Floyd, a 46-year-old African American, was killed while in police custody in Minneapolis on Monday.
    Former policeman Derek Chauvin, 44 and white, has been charged with his ทีเด็ดสปอร์ตพูล murder and is due to appear in court on Monday.

  176. on which both Hurley ดูหนังออนไลน์HD and Behnken served in the late 2000s. It's somewhat uncertain how long Hurley and Behnken will stay at the ISS, but perhaps as much
    as four months. In that time, they will become members of the current ISS Expedition 63 crew, taking part in the platform's everyday science and maintenance activities.
    Chris Cassidy joked that because his new crewmates arrived on a Sunday, they had missed the cleaning chores that normally take place on ทีเด็ดสปอร์ตพูล a Saturday.
    "We'll catch up next weekend," the commander said.

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  178. sufficient legal ดูหนังออนไลน์HD authority on its own for the president to deploy the army. It is widely accepted that the president would have legal grounds to employ the
    military without asking for approval from the states in the current circumstances. "The key point", says Robert Chesney, a University of ผลบอลสด7m Texas law professor,
    "is that it is the president's แทงบอลออนไลน์ determination to make; the governors do not have to request his help."

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    By all accounts, ผลบอลสด7m reversing the disruption caused by India's lockdown will be a long haul - and the price businesses, especially small firms, have paid is just starting to become clear.
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  182. Reverend Al Sharpton ดูหนังออนไลน์HD meanwhile demanded accountability.
    "We won't stop," he said, referring to protests that have taken place in every US state. "We're going to keep going until we change the whole system of justice."
    In an emotional eulogy, he said Mr Floyd's story had echoed that of black people in America.
    "What happened to Floyd happens ผลบอลสด7m every day in this country, in education, in health services and in every area of American life. It'sแทงบอลออนไลน์ time for us to stand up

  183. The results of the analysis ดูหนังออนไลน์HD
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  184. It points to recent research ดูหนังออนไลน์HD that people can be highly infectious in the few days before they show symptoms and that some people catch the virus but never show
    symptoms at all, as I reported last weekend. So where distancing is not possible, such as ผลบอลสด7m on public transport and in locations as varied as shops and refugee camps,
    it is suggested that faces are covered with homemade masks to avoid passing on the infection.Over 60s with underlying health conditions should go further, แทงบอลออนไลน์ the WHO said, and wear medical-grade masks to give themselves better protection.

  185. There were also demonstrations ดูหนังออนไลน์HD in France, Germany and Spain. What happened ผลบอลสด7m at the protests?
    The largest appeared to be in Washington DC, where protesters - many of them carrying placards saying "Black Lives Matter"
    - gathered peacefully near the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial and outside แทงบอลออนไลน์ Lafayette Park, next to the White House, at the newly renamed

  186. have finalised ดูหนังออนไลน์HD maps covering 98% of the boundary, but the Lipulekh pass, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura in western Nepal are among the areas that
    remain contested. Together, the three areas cover about 370 sq km (140 square miles), Nepalese officials say. The strategic Lipulekh pass
    connects the Indian ผลบอลสด7m
    state of Uttarakhand with the Tibet region of China. Nepal and China have been angered by India's recent moves.
    Delhi's published its new map of the border region in November, after it แทงบอลออนไลน์ divided Indian-administered Kashmir into Jammu and Kashmir

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    Dank Sinatra
    A sweet berry flavor with subtle cheese-like notes
    Strawberry Cough
    The delicious aroma of strawberries with an identical taste to match, this classic is sure to be a delightful treat when all is said and done
    Grape Lemonade
    The name explains it all, a sweet blend of grapes and various berries with a citrus twist that makes this profile an ideal palate-pleaser at any given time
    Jamaican Dream
    An exciting and provocative blend of flavors that includes an earthy combination of citrus and coffee
    Alaskan Thunder Fuck
    A plethora of flavors that creates a profile that is both earthy and piney, but with a slight lemon and menthol twist
    Buddha Haze
    A profile that is one of a kind because of the unique manner in which it combines mango and spice with various subtle earthy floral notes.
    This classic strains profile has a pungent earthy and woody blend that is highly reminiscent of its Jamaican
    Lodi Dodi
    This strain carries a particular sweetness that is brought about an array of tropical fruit flavors combined with various floral notes, that is complemented by an earthy citrus finish
    A distinct blend of blueberries and cream with a spicy floral finish
    Sour Diesel
    An outstanding recreation of the classic strain’s pungent earthy profile

  191. It was scheduled one day before the start of voting on a constitutional reform เว็บแทงบอล package that could see him running twice more for president.

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